
childcare services

Opening times Monday to Friday 7:30am – 7pm.
For Availability and prices, please refer to the contact page

Child in spiderman costume
Imaginative Play

Dressing up in costumes and role play. Doctors & Nurses, Batman, Wonder woman etc.

November 2013 062
EYFS Framework

Early years foundation stage - Statutory framework, setting the standards, helping towards their school years.

Children Gardening

Planting, watering, learning about flowers and garden wildlife.

Children Learning
Letters and numbers

Learning about letters and numbers, also working with emergent writing principles.

Childminder 14 years experience
Arts and crafts

Collage, junk modelling, drawing, painting, cutting and sticking.

Children in the Garden
Sensory Activities

Playing with water and sand, messy play, cooking and playing with play dough.

Story Time

Most days I allow time to read to the children, learning to connect words to pictures.

Children Dancing
Outdoor exercise/Activities

Playing with friends, such as dancing, skipping, making sand castles

What you get

The piece of mind that your child is being looked after by an ofsted registered childminder with excellent testimonials

Why choose me

I love what I do and being a childminder for over 20 years, I always try to give my utmost best